The Sailing Vessel Apropos
Poulsbo Trip
April 6-8, 2007
Destination: Poulsbo &Winslow
Crew: Jim, Karen, Jacintha
Day 1:
This was Jacintha's first cruising trip. She recently turned 3 months
old and was so excited about the trip that she woke up at 6am raring to
go, much to the dismay of Captain Daddy
and Co-Captain Mommy!
The weather was warm and sunny with light winds--perfect spring
weather--as we motored through the canal towards the Ballard locks.
Jacintha sat in the cockpit in her foam seat that kept her from
toppling over, eager to show off her crewing abilities with the
mainsheet in hand. When we reached the locks, she was confined down
below in her car seat so we could
handle the lines while
boat was lowered about 30 feet to sea level.
By the time we finished in the locks, she was fast asleep.
sailed across Puget Sound from Shilshole to Port Madison. When the wind
died, we motored through Agate Pass and up into Liberty Bay. We found
moorage at Poulsbo Marina and Jacintha was very upset that she was
again confined to her car seat while we docked. To make up for it, we
walked into town for some
ice cream and shopping. After a steak BBQ dinner
on the boat, Jacintha went to sleep in a makeshift bed in the
v-berth--a bookshelf that was just her size.
Day 2:
Jacintha must have been excited to sail again because once again she
woke up early, demanding Co-Captain Mommy
get up for feeding! It was raining so we took our time and had bacon
& eggs for brekky, then took a late morning stroll to the shops
where Captain 'Gotta
have it'
bought a brass trawler oil lamp from a local chandlery and hung
it above the sink in the galley. The rain stopped so we cast off for
destination Winslow, motoring most of the way with Jacintha doing
of the steering. At the south end of Bainbridge Island, Captain 'this
is a sailboat, not
motorboat' killed the engine
and put the sails up in 0-2 knots of wind. An hour later you could
throw a stone further than we sailed, so with dusk approaching and no
wind, we turned on the iron sail and motored the rest of the way to
Winslow, where we tied up at the marina.
Day 3:
Jacintha was again the first one up in the morning, she must really be into this sailing lifestyle! While showering onboard, the shower sump stopped working so Captain 'Gotta fix it' diagnosed the problem. The culprit turned out to be a clogged in-line filter that was between the drain and pump. After fixing it, we got under way. We had a southerly breeze of 10-15 knots and our course was north, so we made great time. With the boat heeled over and the ride a bit bumpy, Jacintha and Karen spent most of the time below deck alternating between feeding and napping while Captain sailed the boat back to Shilshole and the entrance to the locks. We motored through the canal and back to Lake Union.